Institute: Eastern Mediterranean University
Major: Architecture
Field of Study: Environmental Control
Focus: Natural Ventilation
Address: Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey
Graduated: August 2020
Thesis Topic: Effect of Built Environment on Passive Building Design in-terms of Natural Ventilation in Hot Climate–Mağusa Case
Thesis Abstract:
Passive building architecture is regulated differently by the legislation of various countries as a definition in energy standards. The ultimate goal is how to reduce the total amount of energy usage in buildings. There are several factors that need to be considered, such as building envelope, orientation, location, renewable energy usage, and so on. There is no denying that all factors play an important role in this field. Natural ventilation and its effect on enhancing thermal comfort indoors should be studied and included in energy codes. Estimating building thermal efficiency does not consider the close environment effect on indoor thermal conditions. In the route to the house, the airflow will be disrupted by both natural and manmade elements and these obstacles will alter fundamental aspects of wind.
This thesis by focusing on a manmade close environment and aims to develop a system for architects, designers, energy consultants, and urban planners to enhance the indoor thermal comfort by taking natural ventilation into account. Reducing the information gap would be the first step towards incorporating natural ventilation in building as a powerful building energy consumption reducer tool. Based on supportive advanced computer tools, the dynamic mathematical calculation approach provides the ability to run the digital simulation and analyze various models to realize the changes under different conditions. For this thesis, the use of Computing Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulation software is chosen which is the most suitable way to analyze simulated conditions. Comparison of simulation results and outcome categorization demonstrated the response to the value of natural ventilation and the effect of closed build environments on thermal comfort. The methodological approach for architects created and guide for developing appropriate methods that will be adaptable around the globe while the environment selected for this study is hot, but the process will show the steps as guidance to adapt other climate conditions and properly locate them in the process and find a relevant response to any area. A methodological approach is followed to construct a model in which designers can forecast their buildings' performance according to various scenarios.
Keywords: Passive Building Design, Energy Consumption, Natural Ventilation, Built Environment, Indoor Thermal Comfort, Air Movement, and its Behavior.

Institute: Eastern Mediterranean University
Major: Architecture
Field of Study: Environmental Control
Focus: Energy Efficiency Regulation
Address: Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey
Graduated: February 2014
Thesis Topic: Critical Approach to the Process of Energy-Efficient Building Constructing
Thesis Abstract:
Nowadays in all over the world; most of the statehoods are applying energy efficiency regulations to the process of construction in their own countries beside regulating standards for historical and existing buildings in their borders. It seems necessary to use these codes to have a more sustainable life and help the future of our planet and posterity, to give them a chance for living in better conditions. Regulating energy standards started in Scandinavian countries and developed through the technology in Germany and grew to all Europe and America. Faster and faster most countries started to regulate standards according to climatic changes and other factors in their own situation.
Due to technological advances and update the knowledge about ways of using energy and a different source of energy efficiency standards for the building construction process, codes and standards started to adapt to new information and situation. Every day the number of countries which they are starting to apply energy regulations in their countries is increasing, but in-between there are some countries that still do not have any codes for energy efficiency, such as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This theorem puts the author on to think about preparing basic information in this field with the hope of having prepared a suitable standard for Northern Cyprus in the future.
To reach this aim, many energy efficiency regulations in the building construction process have been studied, analyzed, and compared. Similar standards have been found and studied in more detail; finding the results of these analyzes are an attempt to find out the best energy method for TRNC. The aim of this research is to see what is the condition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus currently, and what's missing as a background for applying any regulation in different parts of the construction process. This process has been divided into three parts as a design process, construction period, and approval process. These divisions have bee done according to the different timing of building construction processes to control the amount of energy used in the final product. To be energy efficient it is important to consider energy factors in the design part, the base of energy-efficient design, the building will be constructed and at the end level of energy, efficiency success should be examined. For each section, the most suitable regulation is suggested to prepare needed information for regulators to have a clear view of the northern Cyprus case.
Keywords: Energy efficiency, building construction process, design regulations, constructing regulations, energy measuring, and labeling, and standards development.
Institute: Islamic Azad University (Heris Branch)
Major: Architecture
Address: Heris Islamic Azad University, Khomeini Street, Heris, East Azarbajan, Iran
​Graduated: August 2010

Institute: Bahr-Al-Oloum
Major: Mathematic and Physics
Address: No 25, Bakhshi Movaghar avenue, South Mofateh street, Motahari Street, Tehran, Iran
​Graduated: January 2005